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Infinity Insurance Group

Post Falls Office

755 N Regal Ct,
Post Falls, ID 83854

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What Factors Affect How Much Home Insurance I Should Carry?

One of the biggest misconceptions about home insurance is that you need to carry a home insurance policy based on the value of your home. This may be too high or too low, based on your specific home, as well as the items stored inside of your home. As such, you may be wondering how much insurance you really need to purchase. Here at Infinity Insurance Group, we can help residents in the greater Post Falls, ID region understand how much insurance they need.

Here are a few of the factors that may affect how much home insurance you need to carry:

The Replacement Cost of Your Home  

Most policies pay you the replacement cost to get your home back to its pre-accident condition. The replacement cost is not the actual value of your home, and as such, your policy may need to be higher or lower than the value of your home based on the replacement cost. 

Any Renovations Completed on Your Home

Another factor that you need to consider when determining how much home insurance to carry is any renovations that have been completed on your home. Your renovations change the replacement cost of your home and typically increase it. As such, if you complete a renovation, you should always consider adjusting your home insurance policy. 

The Value of the Items Stored in Your Home

Lastly, home insurance not only covers your home but the items stored inside. If you have high-end furniture, electronics, clothing, and jewelry, you may need more home insurance than someone who does not store expensive items in their home. 

Contact Us Today

An insurance agent can help you determine how much coverage you may truly need when it comes to home insurance. Reach out to us at Infinity Insurance Group, serving the greater Post Falls, ID area, to schedule an appointment to discuss your home insurance needs with one of our professionals. 

When Can I Buy Health Insurance?

Unless your job provides you with health insurance, you either purchase your policy during the open enrollment period or when a qualifying event occurs. Infinity Insurance Group wants you to fully understand your insurance options, so you can obtain the coverage you need.

When Can I Buy Health Insurance?

When You Start a New Job

When a new employer hires you, it provides health insurance through a group plan. You’ll typically have the same insurance plan as every employee at your place of business. The number of people covered by your policy varies. If you’re single, it only covers you. If you’re married or have children, you can typically add your spouse and/or your children to your health insurance policy. When you start your job, your employer provides the insurance paperwork that you must complete and submit by the due date. Signing up for your policy comprises one element of your onboarding process.

Open Enrollment

While the exact dates for open enrollment vary from week to week, typically, the US holds this during November, December, and the first two weeks of January. For the coverage year 2023, open enrollment begins on November 1, 2022, and ends on January 15, 2023. If your Post Falls, ID employer doesn’t offer health insurance because you’re a part-time employee or the business employs too few people to require it, you can sign up for insurance during open enrollment.

Qualifying Events

Perhaps your employer fired you or you got laid off. That ended your employer-provided health insurance. However, you don’t have to wait until November to purchase insurance because losing your existing health coverage qualifies as an event that lets you register for a plan at the time of the event. Even if you lose your job during the month of June, you get to purchase your health insurance policy in June. Other events that qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period that only applies to you, include marriage, pregnancy, delivering a baby, and adoption.

Medicaid and CHIP

The government-provided health insurance programs of Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) offer running open enrollment. That means you can apply for either program for which you qualify at any time of the year.

Contact Infinity Insurance Group Today

Let Infinity Insurance Group help you obtain the health insurance you need. Call us, email us, or visit us at our offices. We offer health insurance that can help Post Falls, ID residents stay healthier.

What kinds of watercraft can be covered with boat insurance?

If you live in Post Falls, ID and love spending time on the water, you’re not alone. Idaho is home to some of the most beautiful lakes and rivers in the country, which makes it a popular destination for boaters of all stripes. But before you can enjoy yourself out on the open water, Infinity Insurance Group encourages you to make sure you have the proper insurance coverage in place.

What Types of Watercraft Are Covered?

In Idaho, boat insurance typically covers any type of motorized vessel that can be used for recreation or transportation purposes. This includes everything from small personal watercraft like Jet Skis and Sea-Doos to larger boats like pontoon boats, fishing boats, and even yachts. Basically, if it floats and has a motor, there’s a good chance it can be covered by boat insurance.

What Does Boat Insurance Cover?

Most boat insurance policies provide some combination of property damage coverage, liability coverage, and medical payment coverage. Property damage coverage will protect your boat (and any attached accessories) in case of an accident or other covered event (like theft). Liability coverage will protect you financially if you’re found responsible for damage or injuries caused by your boat. And medical payment coverage will help cover the cost of treatment for anyone who is injured while on board your vessel.

Questions? Contact Infinity Insurance Group

Post Falls, ID is a great place to live if you are a boating enthusiast. But before you hit the water, it’s important to make sure you have adequate boat insurance coverage in place. In Idaho, most types of motorized watercraft are eligible for boat insurance coverage, including property damage protection, liability protection, and medical payment coverage. 

Dealing with an Uninsured Driver: What to Do If You’re in an Accident and the Other Driver Doesn’t Have Insurance

Being in a car accident is stressful enough, but it’s even more stressful when the other driver doesn’t have insurance. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic.

At Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID, we’re here to help you through the process and make sure you’re taken care of.

Here’s what you need to do if you’re in an accident with an uninsured driver:

Exchange Information With the Other Driver

You’ll need their name and contact information. It’s also important to get the make, model, and license plate number of their car. If there are any witnesses to the accident, be sure to get their names and contact information as well. 

Call the Police

Even if the damage appears to be minor, it’s always a good idea to involve the authorities. The police will document the accident and collect evidence that will be useful if you need to file a claim with your insurance company. 

Take Pictures

Take pictures of the damage to both vehicles as well as any visible injuries. These photos will be essential in proving the extent of the damages incurred. 

File Claim

Since the other driver is uninsured, you’ll have to file a claim with your own insurance company. Most likely you’ll need uninsured motorist coverage or uninsured motorist property damage coverage which are optional add-ons to your policy. The former covers your medical expenses while the latter covers damage to your vehicle.

Protect Yourself From Uninsured Drivers

No one wants to deal with an uninsured driver, but unfortunately, accidents happen. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic—just follow these steps and you’ll be able to handle it like a pro. And if you ever need assistance or have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to give us a call at Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID — we’re always happy and eager to help.

3 Way Commercial Insurance Helps Protect Your Business

Commercial insurance can be kind of a broad umbrella, but it all helps protect your business and keep it running in the event of an accident or disaster. At Infinity Insurance Group, serving the Post Falls, ID area, we’re proud to help you navigate the sometimes confusing world of commercial insurance, and find the best policies for you and your business needs.

3 Way Commercial Insurance Helps Protect Your Business

1) Commercial property insurance helps keep your physical business safe

This kind of insurance works to protect your business from damages caused by fire, theft, burst pipes, explosions, or vandalism. Every business can benefit from having a good commercial property insurance policy, especially if they handle dangerous material, or the business may become a target for vandals.

2) Commercial liability insurance helps protect you and your business from lawsuits and medical costs

The business liability insurance works to protect businesses from claims resulting from normal business operations, including physical injury or property damage.

3) Commercial auto insurance helps keep your employees safer on the road

Commercial auto insurance helps to cover vehicles used for business purposes, be they cars, trucks, or vans. It also covers vehicles in the event of an accident or needed repair.

Give Us A Call

Contact us at Infinity Insurance Group today and we’ll help get you set up with the commercial insurance that will work best for you, your budget, and your business. We’re glad to serve the Post Falls, ID area, and are always happy to help. You deserve to run your business in peace, without worrying over what might happen in the event of an accident. Give us a call or stop in today and we’ll help you look after your business, now and in the future.

What’s NOT Covered by a Standard Home Insurance Policy?

Our agents at Infinity Insurance Group are here to protect your Post Falls, ID home from events like fire, theft, and natural disasters, just to name a few. By working with our dedicated insurance experts, you’ll be building a home insurance policy customized to fit your personal needs. 

What’s Covered? 

As you probably already know, some of the common events a homeowners policy in Idaho include: 

  • Theft
  • Fire 
  • Lightning 
  • Hail 
  • Wildfires 
  • Vandalism 

It’s also important to familiarize yourself with some of the common coverages, which include personal property, dwelling, medical expense, and personal liability. 

What’s NOT Covered? 

But you might be wondering, “What’s NOT covered by a standard home insurance policy?” That’s an excellent question, and that’s exactly what we’re going to address in this post. 

If you have a standard homeowners policy, it won’t cover damage to your home’s structure or damage to your personal property if the damage was caused by flooding. 

The good news is that Infinity Insurance Group offers flood insurance from the National Flood Insurance Program. With this coverage, your home, personal belongings, and everything else that’s part of your home will be protected. 

Another event that isn’t covered by your homeowners’ policy is damage from earthquakes, even though Idado experiences hundreds of earthquakes every year. Fortunately, you can add earthquake coverage to your existing home insurance policy. 

Although your homeowners’ policy most likely covers certain kinds of water damage, it’s only covered if the damage is unexpected or sudden – and it only covers the damage up to a certain limit. Because a number of areas in Idaho experience heavy amounts of rainfall, adding water backup coverage and sump pump failure would be a smart thing to do. 

Give Us A Call

If you’re interested in buying affordable homeowners insurance or you have more questions about what your policy will or won’t cover, contact Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID. We look forward to helping you and giving you the coverage you deserve.

Understanding The Types Of Managed Care

As if it wasn’t stressful enough to have to choose which health insurance to get every year, you have to understand a bunch of insurance terms and managed care. It is a lot for anyone who isn’t an insurance professional. At Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID, we do understand all the health insurance terms and we are here for you to make choosing the right policy easier for you.  

Types Of Managed Care

HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)

An HMO is the most popular type of managed care but it is also the most restrictive. The organization has a network of providers that the members must use. From those providers, you must choose a primary care physician who will manage your care. Make sure before you choose an HMO that your preferred primary care physician is in their network. In order to see a specialist, you will need to have a referral. The only time you can go outside the network is in the event of an emergency. 

PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)

In this type of managed care, you don’t need to have your care managed by a primary care physician. You can see a specialist without getting a referral. You will pay more to go outside the network, but that is a choice you are allowed to make. This type of coverage allows the most freedom. 

POS (Point of Service)

A POS is a combination of HMO and PPO. It is like an HMO in the fact that you need to have a primary care physician and you need to get a referral to visit a specialist. But like a PPO, you have some overage if you go outside of the network. 

Contact Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID to get the personalized service that only an independent insurance agent can provide. 

Are There Any Drawbacks To Life Insurance?

The biggest risk of life insurance is that you won’t be around long enough to collect on the policy’s benefits. You can reduce your risk even more by purchasing term life insurance rather than a policy that pays out a lump sum in the event of your death. Term policies are much less expensive than whole life policies, but they do not offer any cash value that you can earn through investment. Term life insurance is often the best option for people in their 30s and 40s who want to purchase a policy but cannot afford the higher rates of whole life insurance. Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID is here to provide you with a guide.

What to Know About Life Insurance 

There are drawbacks to life insurance. The biggest one is the cost. Because life insurance is designed to protect your family in the event of your death, it comes with a hefty price tag. In most cases, it costs thousands of dollars per year to maintain a policy. Some people decide that the cost is worth the peace of mind it provides, while others cannot justify the expense. Another drawback is that some policies have exclusions. If you have a pre-existing condition, it may be difficult or even impossible to find a policy that covers you. Before purchasing a policy, make sure to review the fine print to determine what benefits it offers and what drawbacks it comes with. 

To get the most out of your coverage, it’s important to shop around and make sure you’re getting the best deal. You may be able to save money by choosing a shorter contract length, opting for a higher deductible, or selecting a more expensive benefit option. You may not need the maximum amount if you have other assets like property or investments that will generate income in the event of your death. It’s also important to ensure you’re buying the right type of life insurance. You may not need a policy that pays out a lump sum if you have other assets. Finally, you also have to keep track of your policy and make sure you renew it when necessary. 

Give Us A Call 

With life insurance, premiums can vary widely, but they can often be quite expensive. Having a pre-existing medical condition also brings a hurdle to getting coverage. Another potential drawback is that most life insurance policies do not provide a lump sum payment if you die. Instead, the money from the policy will go towards paying off any debts or expenses that you had at the time of your death. For any assistance, give us a call at Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID.

Is Auto Insurance Required in Post Falls, ID?

If you’re a vehicle owner in Idaho, there’s a good chance you’re wondering if auto insurance is required in Post Falls, ID. The simple answer is yes. Here’s everything you need to know about car insurance in the Gem State.

Personal Vehicle Insurance is the Law 

Most states require some level of coverage for drivers, and Idaho is no different. The state has some of the most stringent requirements in the nation. All drivers in Idaho must maintain a minimum level of coverage to operate a vehicle legally on public roads.

The required minimums are:

  • $25,000 bodily injury liability per person
  • $50,000 bodily injury liability per accident
  • $15,000 property damage liability per accident
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage is Optional

While the minimum coverage requirements are necessary to drive in Idaho, they may not be enough to protect you and your loved ones in a severe accident. An Infinity Insurance Group agent can help you determine the right coverage amount to avoid fines and penalties in Post Falls, ID.

Other Coverage Options

That’s why Idaho also offers uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. This coverage will help protect you if the other driver is at fault and doesn’t have insurance or if their policy doesn’t cover the full cost of your damages.

Besides the state requirements, you may also want to consider other types of coverage to help protect your vehicle. Some of the most common options include:

Collision Coverage: This type of coverage will help pay to repair your vehicle if it’s damaged in an accident, regardless of who is at fault.

Comprehensive Coverage: This coverage will help pay to repair or replace your vehicle if it’s damaged by something other than a collision, such as a fire, theft, or vandalism.

Contact Infinity Insurance Group in Post Falls, ID today to learn more about your policy options. We’ll help you find the right coverage to fit your needs and budget.

Commercial Insurance Breakdown

Infinity Insurance Group is an independent agency. We are committed to helping our clients find the coverage they need to navigate life’s risks. We work with multiple carriers throughout Post Falls, ID and beyond. We are confident that we can help you find a custom policy that suits your personal situation.

Commercial Insurance Breakdown

The Post Falls, ID economy thrives based on the success of small businesses. As a local business owner, you’re likely brainstorming to help improve your business. Commercial insurance helps take some pressure off of your shoulders. Accidents can happen at any moment. Commercial insurance protects you if your property suffers damage due to an accidental fire. You are also covered if your equipment is stolen or damaged. Liability coverage is a significant part of your policy. There is likely high activity at your business every day. Liability coverage protects you if one of your customers suffers an injury while visiting your property. You are also covered if your products damage someone’s property. Workers’ compensation protects your business against potential litigation involving an employee injury. If one of your employees is injured on the job, workers’ compensation will cover their treatment. A strong workers’ compensation policy can also help you attract top talent.

You can round out your commercial insurance policy with different types of coverage depending on your needs. Commercial auto insurance covers any vehicles that you use for business-related endeavors in the event that something goes wrong. Emergency interruption coverage is another option to consider. This type of coverage protects your business if your place of operations suffers serious damage. Emergency interruption coverage assists your business by helping your business continue to function while the repairs are made.

Infinity Insurance Group Will Help You Cover Your Assets

Contact us today to learn more information about commercial insurance.  

Partner Carriers

  • Aflac
  • Allied Insurance Company
  • American Modern
  • Blue Cross of Idaho
  • Foremost
  • Gem State
  • GeoVera Insurance Company
  • Hartford
  • Idaho State insurance Fund
  • Kemper Preferred
  • MetLife
  • Philadelphia Insurance Companies
  • Progressive Insurance
  • Regence
  • Safeco
  • Travelers
  • Viking (Dairyland) Insurance Company